High availability
No time for downtime
Uninterrupted data availability, always
A server failure doesn’t announce its arrival. At such times, unexpected challenges can interrupt business continuity and impact operations. That’s why we make it our responsibility to ensure your business isn’t caught in the middle.
Maintaining high availability, you have reliable access to your passwords. All data is also available offline and automatically synchronises when the connection is up and running again.
Reliable technology that ensures uninterrupted access to data
Scalable architecture
Reliable performance that grows with your business
Online & offline access
Hassle-free access to passwords with data stored locally
Server clustering
Have access to your data and Password Secure even during any unforeseen crisis
Automatic backups
Regular real-time backups to access updated information
Terminal server support
Connect to the server with a remote desktop to access company resources
Import data
Import data into Password Secure with instant synchronisation across devices
Access control list
Augment protection by regulating user and system access to your database