A new service update for Password Safe customers is available today! This release contains many enhancements and improvements for users. The most important new features at a glance:
Performance boost and safari add-on
- The browser add-on is now also available for Safari under macOS.
- Cross-Client Login to Client/SSO Agent
- Standard forms, organizational units, and seal templates can now be configured.
- Do you need a quick overview of all data that a specific user is authorized to access? Now you can do this simply by right-clicking!
- Password Safe is now FIPS compliant: The software meets all requirements of the Federal Information Processing Standards of the United States.
- The offline synchronization after login can now be switched off in the user settings.
- Old backups can now be cleaned up automatically.
- Integrated password generator: Simply retrieve it via backstage or with CTRL+SHIFT+P
- Display of light users and system tasks in the database information
- Removing the configuration for the webserver host address
- No more password duplicates that are connected to a password reset
- Integrated tab system
- User lock: If the website is reloaded, the tab is reopened or manually locked, the user password must be re-entered.
- When the form is changed, the entered values are automatically adopted.
- Configuration of user settings in security levels
- For more improvements and enhancements like the LightClient please visit the version history of our help!