Password management is not just an admin thing! Learn how Password Safe takes the burden off IT and gives department managers the accountability they need to manage their teams. Yet, especially in marketing, interactive collaboration tools and processes are critical to the department’s success. In fact, according to a Gartner study, marketing spends more money on technology than IT itself …
Meet Sarah and her Marketing Team
Sarah is the team lead for the 20-person marketing department at her company. Due to the abundance of tools, marketing often has only one license that is shared by multiple people. To manage this volume of credentials, Sarah chose Password Safe last year. Previously, credentials for such applications were scattered all over the department – from Excel lists to browser storage. This created unnecessary security risks for dozens of social media accounts, analytics tools like Google Analytics, as well as very important access points like the company website itself.
Security Gaps due to Shared Accounts
Now, all shared accounts are securely stored in Password Safe. As a power user, Sarah can manage access rights for her employees, granting and revoking them individually. Using the principle of multiple control, she is first notified of accounts that require special protection before the password can be used. If Sarah changes the access data for an account, the change is automatically synchronized in real-time with the data of all team colleagues. Sharing passwords with external service providers also work securely and centrally via Password Safe. This way, the SEO agency can use the Google Ads password to log in, but cannot view it.
More Overview via FullClient
Alone with the number of passwords Sarah manages in Password Safe – exactly 99 – her FullClient offers a better overview. Since Sarah doesn’t need as many functions as IT, only the modules that are important to her are displayed. So Sarah’s interface is perfectly tailored to her individual needs as a team leader, while still being noticeably different from her administrator’s view
How Sarah relieves IT
Administration tasks in Password Safe are particularly exciting for power users to relieve IT of tasks: To keep an eye on her team’s password management, Sarah can check password quality or expiration dates, as well as set custom security policies. For example, by linking forms and policies, she can define and apply individual rules for specific user groups. She then sees an overview of the passwords in her team in the dashboard.
Achieving Learning Effects with Password Behavior
In the overview, Sarah sees at a glance that her social media manager has stored a password for LinkedIn that Password Safe has classified as weak. Because Sarah wants to create a learning effect with her team, she doesn’t just automatically reset it to a safe, unknown value, but instead prompts him to store a password that matches the guidelines she created.
Password Education for every Department
So Password Safe not only makes the job easier for power users like Sarah. It also takes the pressure off IT, as Sarah takes care of the passwords on her team herself and promotes a positive Password Behavior. By the way, she is not alone in this position in her company: Every team leader in companies can be a power user. And the admin is happy because he is not the only one responsible for more IT security, but everyone is pulling in the same direction when it comes to security awareness!
Get to know more about Password Safe for teams and the management.