Today we are very pleased to present you the new version 8.13 of Password Safe. In this article you will learn which new features and improvements the version has in store for you and how they will help you in your daily work with Password Safe.
Performance improvements
In 8.13 the performance has been significantly improved compared to 8.12. The new version has less loading and waiting times, the login works in seconds and freezes are now a thing of the past! This means that you can log in to Password Safe even faster in your daily work and also perform other actions more efficiently. What does this mean in concrete terms? Not only can you log in much faster, but also the search for passwords and tags, as well as password changes are now faster. This saves you valuable time in everyday life and allows you to access your passwords even more productively.
You wished for it, we implemented it:
The Password Trash
Deleted your password in Password Safe by mistake? From now on no problem: Version 8.13 comes with the new function of the password trash, the most voted customer request in our UserVoice with over 200 votes. With the trash you can now easily move passwords to the recycle bin, restore the password retroactively or delete passwords permanently. Why is this advantageous? It saves IT time and effort: In the past, if a password was accidentally deleted, IT had to import a time-consuming backup. From now on, deleted passwords can be recovered with just a few clicks – no hassle at all. It makes security easier: The trash is a self-service solution, so every Password Safe user can now recover their passwords independently of IT. That means more control over their own passwords.
“My devices and connections”
Sometimes you need an overview page that shows all the devices you are logged in with and with which Password Safe client. For example, if you left your workplace for a short time without locking the system. Or if the laptop was stolen or the smartphone was lost, you want to log out manually to prevent third parties from accessing the system. This is now possible with the new function: “My devices and connections” in Password Safe 8.13 in the Desktop and WebClient! At a glance you can see all the devices stored in Password Safe and manually log out of inactive connections. The overview page leads to more security in everyday work, because a higher number of logged in clients also increases the risk of intruders. The quick and easy logout on all connections counteracts this.
Optimized browser extension
The browser extension now interacts even more with users. It is immediately visible in the browser when there is no connection. In addition, a “0” is no longer displayed if no login data is available.
What else has changed?
In the HTML WebViewer, there is now also the option to sort data records in order to have them at hand more quickly offline. In addition, e-mail forwarding can now be configured via the account settings and no longer via the notification module. This means that users without the Notifications module can also use this feature. For a live demo of the new features, please make an appointment with our sales team.
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